Decaisnea Fargesii
Decasinea Fargesii is a species native to Western China that you can find at the PRANDINI VIVAI. It is a shrub characterized by fragile wood that reaches an average height of around 5 meters.
Decasinea Fargesi needs a basically acidic, fertile and fresh soil, but at the same time with a good draining capacity as it does not tolerate excessive water stagnation. As far as exposure is concerned, it is advisable for this to be transplanted in a sunny or partially shaded area, taking into consideration at the same time its need for a moderately humid soil, especially during the hot season, to avoid excessive drying of the soil.
Flowering occurs in early summer where the characteristic “cobs” appear, similar to hanging bunches, of a greenish-yellow color and about twenty centimeters long. The Decaisnea Fargesii is a self-fertile species and consequently the presence of several specimens is not essential to obtain fruiting. During autumn, the plant produces the classic pendulous pods with a bluish color, hence the name that has been assigned to it, containing numerous blackish seeds arranged inside a gelatinous pulp, which gives the shrub a valuable ornamental effect.
The fruit of Decaisnea Fargesii is generally eaten fresh, thus eating the gelatinous internal pulp, with a characteristic flavor with a watermelon-cucumber aftertaste, taking care to remove the black seeds arranged in rows along the pod. It has no particular properties and apart from the high content of pectin the fruit has.
Only aesthetic and containment pruning is necessary: ​​Decasinea Fargesii requires pruning with thinning of the internal branches, leaving room for new vegetation.