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Pistachio – Pistacia Lentiscus

Pistachio is a fruit tree, originally from the Middle East, belonging to the Anacardiaceae family of the Pistacia genre. This plant can reach a height of 12 metres but generally it stops at 5 – 6 metres,it’s very long living and can reach an age of 300 years (circa). The seeds of the Pistachio can be found at PRANDINI’S GARDEN NURSERY CENTRE.


The ideal soil for the Pistachio is made up of a good percentage of organic substance, a medium to low humidity and a medium compact texture. The Pistachio however is very adaptable, it stands up well in limestone, compact, arid, and rich in calcium soils. Nevertheless stagnant water is absolutely to be avoided, therefore soil which is excessively irrigated, clay and above all near canals or streams should be discarded. The plant should be exposed to full sun. To get the best production you should cultivate the plant in a zone where the winters are mild and the temperature doesn’t fall below 1°- 5° even if during the dormancy period the plant tolerates much harder temperatures below -15°, during the growth period it shouldn’t be exposed to temperatures lower than 7°-10°
Should gel return during the stages of blooming or fruiting the development of the plant will block.


The pistachio has unisex and hermaphrodite blooms, so there are male blooming plants and female blooming plants (which produce the fruit). The flowers are petals joined at the top. The fruit is a drupe with an oval endocarp in a thin hard shell, containing the seeds, commonly called “pistachio” which are bright green under a purple peel. A male tree can produce enough pollen to fecundate up to 10 females. Flowering is in April and the fruit is harvested September – October. The wood is hard and dense and is yellowish is very good too bserve the leaves of the Pistachios are a source of mineral salts like calcium iron and magnesium, in diverse quantities according to the tipology chosen. It is also an important of source of antioxidents and of polifenol which help protect our organism, also from early aging; they are rich in vitamin E and carotenoid, substance which experts believe work to maintain the integrity of the membrane cells and give added protection to the free roots.
This fruit is a source of vitamins belonging to group B thanks to the high content of folic acid, riboflavin, tiamin, niacin vitamin B5, vitamin B6. They are rich in phosphorus, a mineral which contributes to increase the tolerance pistachio a useful food for the protection of vision and the eyes.


Pistachios are a source of mineral salts such as calcium, iron and magnesium, in different quantities according to the type chosen. They are also an important source of antioxidants and polyphenols that help protect our body from free radicals and premature aging processes; they are rich in vitamin E and carotenoids, substances which, according to experts, contribute to maintaining the integrity of the cell membranes of the mucous membranes and of the skin, also offering protection against the action of free radicals.

This fruit represent a source of B vitamins thanks to the high content of folic acid, riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, pantothenic acid (or vitamin B5) and vitamin B6. They are also rich in phosphorus, a mineral that helps increase glucose tolerance. For this reason, their intake has been evaluated as a possible ally in the prevention of type 2 diabetes. The presence of two rare carotenoids in dried fruit makes pistachios a useful food for the protection of sight and eyes from the action of free radicals.

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