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Carpifoglio – Diervilla Revularis

Diervilla Rivularis, belonging to the Caprifogliaceae family, is a perennial shrub that can reach heights of 150cm, characterized by bright yellow foliage that attracts butterflies, bees and insects. Resistant to low temperatures, requires little maintenance and is not prone to diseases, it does not require special soils, it can be exposed to the sun or partial shade.
The flowers, which occur in summer, have a diameter of about 1.2 cm and are arranged in clusters and are bright yellow. The summer foliage of Diervilla sessilifolia consists of dark green lanceolate leaves that grow in opposite directions from the branches. In spring, the shrub grows vigorously, producing a dense collection of shoots that will bloom in summer. In the fall, all the leaves and fruit have fallen off, revealing the brown, streaked bark.
Pruning is necessary during the growing season to maintain a uniform shape. Old and decaying branches should also be removed.

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